Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) has announced a blueprint for its future.

QFES Acting Commissioner Mike Wassing said Strategy 2030 will ensure the agency continues to meet the needs of communities over the next 12 years.

“Many Queenslanders will be touched by the work of our staff and volunteers at some point in their lives,” Mr Wassing said.

“It is the nature of the role we play in communities and the difficult tasks our personnel perform.

“What this Strategy does is ensure we have a clear direction going forward and that Queenslanders continue to benefit from a first-class fire and emergency services response in the years to come.”

As part of developing the Strategy, QFES looked at how new technologies and trends could impact its future.

This included the effect of driverless vehicles on operations, how QFES could be more environmentally-friendly, and whether it would need to do things differently in a more volatile security environment.

Mr Wassing said thousands of Queenslanders had a say on the Strategy.

“We knew it was important to be clear about the expectations communities, our partner agencies and our people have of QFES,” he said.

“This is why we canvassed opinions, with more than 2000 people having a say through workshops, focus groups, surveys, interviews and research.

“This feedback was taken onboard as Strategy 2030 was developed and will now help to shape an emergency services department that reflects the needs of Queensland communities.”

He said the Strategy also identified a growing interest from communities to be more involved during disasters and major incidents.

“Strategy 2030 outlines a future in which communities expect to be well informed during critical incidents and, with our agency’s support, more involved through all phases of disaster management,” he said.

“This reaffirms the partnership we must continue to develop and support with the people of Queensland and highlights the importance of communities who can provide local solutions to local problems.”

Read Strategy 2030.

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