To support the creation of a more sustainable volunteer program and provide a higher quality of service to residents of the Northern Territory.

The Territory Labor Government has released the first Bushfires NT Volunteer Strategy 2019-2022.

The newly released Strategy seeks to develop and enhance volunteer programs, align goals and provide future direction for both Bushfires NT and volunteer bushfire brigades. With reports suggesting that volunteer numbers, availability and capability have been on the decline, this much-needed program looks to turn this around. 

The Strategy was created by speaking with volunteers and the community. It supports 20 volunteer fire brigades across the NT with about 500 active volunteers. “Our volunteers wanted more guidance and support; we have listened, and provided a long-term strategy, which will help our current volunteers and pave the way for new recruits,” said Eva Lawler, the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources.

While developing the Strategy, Bushfires NT consulted volunteers and stakeholders through a variety of mediums varying from online surveys and paper-based census forms to face-to-face interviews and group workshops. They wanted a comprehensive understanding of the key issues affecting the volunteer programs. By collaborating with the volunteers and the residents of the community, Bushfires NT are now able to ensure a more flexible approach to volunteer coordination, which will lead to a more engaged and resilient community.

Bushfires NT and the individual brigades have recognised that it is not possible to adequately serve the community without a healthy and productive relationship with them. Minister Lawler said, “The new Strategy is all about attracting, supporting and retaining more volunteers by providing better training and more support – this will result in a higher quality of service for our community.”

With over 500 active volunteers in 20 brigades across the territory, Bushfires NT works in partnership with volunteer bushfire brigades to serve the community by protecting life, property and the environment. “Our volunteers and Bushfires NT Staff do an amazing job keeping our community safe,” says Minister Lawler. They work tirelessly to reduce the risk of wildfires in rural and remote communities and the new Strategy will provide Bushfires NT and brigades with a blueprint for a more sustainable volunteer program going forward.The Bushfire NT Volunteer Strategy 2019-2022, was funded by the Northern Territory and Australian Government through the Natural Disaster Resilience Program. For more information on the Bushfires NT Volunteer Strategy, go to

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