Police recruits in both Queensland and the Northern Territory have been fast tracked to graduation in order to boost resources to the frontline during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Commissioner Katarina Carroll welcomed 83 new officers to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) following a graduation ceremony at the Oxley Police Academy.

This is the first group of Police Recruits to fast-track their graduation following a statement from Commissioner Carroll on Friday.

The decision came to reduce the risk of the transmission of COVID-19 in Queensland Police Academies, which house over 750 recruits and training staff across three campuses.

Commissioner Carroll said by fast-tracking the graduation ceremony, it will immediately bolster the number of front-line police officers.

“These decisions have not been taken lightly by the leadership of the Queensland Police Service, however they achieve two key objectives – they remove a significant number of people out of the Academy thus removing some of the risks,” Commissioner Carroll said.

“And it also provides much needed police officers for the front line at a critical time not only for the Police Service but for the people of Queensland.”

Commissioner Carroll said the new First Year Constables (FYC) have spent months building a strong foundation to enable them to deliver an excellent level of service as they begin their policing careers.

“I am filled with pride and have confidence in the future of the Service. These new recruits will contribute to the Queensland Police Service’s unrelenting commitment to community safety,” Commissioner Carroll said.

As part of a wider range of strategies, a decision has been made to fast-track the current police recruit squad in the Northern Territory also.

This will see the squad of 59 constables graduate six weeks early (17 April 2020) – putting more resources on the ground sooner.

The squad will be deployed to Alice Springs (30), Katherine (19) and Tennant Creek (10) – providing the much needed boost to policing in those regional areas, as well as being ready in case they are required for other frontline duties.

The Territory Government is also announcing that an additional Accelerated Recruitment Program (ARP) of 30 police will commence mid-year. The program will see the recruitment of experienced police officers from interstate into the Northern Territory Police Force.

They will undertake 8 weeks of intensive training before being deployed into the community.  

These officers will be a welcomed addition to our community helping police detect and deter crime and anti-social behaviour. Chief Minister Michael Gunner said,

“We are facing unprecedented times – and it is vital that our hardworking police have all the support and resources they need to help protect our community.

“The fast tracking of this squad will see an additional 59 constables deployed across the Territory, bolstering the support in our regional areas.

With thanks to Queensland Police for images and video www.mypolice.qld.gov.au