Mt Martha Members Grow Mo’s For Men’s Health


Volunteers from Mt Martha Fire Brigade are among the many CFA members who are preparing to grow a mo for this year’s Movember campaign for men’s health. 

12 members from the brigade have signed up for various challenges, including those with facial hair “shaving-down” to start the month with a clean face before regrowing their mo ’s, while others are preparing to raise funds and awareness through physical activities, challenges, or events. 

Team captain Daniel Tompsett is the brigade’s welfare officer, and said Movember is an important cause that helps educate people about men’s health. 

“After reading through the Movember material, there was one startling statistic that really stood out; around the world there are 60 men lost to suicide every hour ,” he said. 

“To highlight that shocking stat, I decided that part of the challenge of anyone who signed up for our Mt Martha Fire Brigade team was to set an activity target of running or walking 60 kilometres for the month, along with the various fundraising targets of course. 

“As volunteer first responders, we’re exposed to all manner of traumatic events but rarely do we take time to consider our own wellbeing.” 

Movember’s APAC Country Director Rachel Carr said Movember is so grateful to have the support of the CFA and their firefighters. 

“In 2020, CFA raised an incredible $24,432 which supported initiatives such the Veterans and First Responders Mental Health Grant. 

“Despite another tough year for people everywhere, CFA is once again showing their support and are off to a flying start, having already raised over $3,000 for Movember.” 

Volunteers from Mt Martha Fire Brigade are among the many CFA members who are preparing to grow a mo for this year’s Movember campaign for men’s health

Mt Martha Fire Brigade team captain Daniel Tompsett said it’s not too late for others to get involved. 

“It would be great to see as many CFA members and members of the community get on board as possible. 

“You can support the cause in all sorts of ways, whether that’s growing a mo, setting target goals, or simply supporting others who are taking part. 

“Attitudes around mental health are changing for the better but there’s still a long way to go. Starting these difficult conversations can really save a life. ” 

Registrations can be made at with participants to raise funds and awareness throughout this month.